Friday, August 12, 2016

Alternate captains for training

As we are getting closer to Ironman it is nature that trainings are amping up for everyone and while Krissy does her best to be there for each of the Angels when they train - she can't be in 3 places at once --- plus you know, she also has a job and a family! 
The Angels have become creative in what they use for some extra weight... 

Meet captain SALTY!
I also had the honor of riding with Patrick one day this summer and it was incredible! 

We have driven the course before and it is clear that it is beautiful - but I feel like I saw it from a whole new perspective - it was gorgeous! 

Not many people other than Ironman athletes see the fields and the farms like this -- Patrick even commented on how cool it is to see the changes throughout the summer. 

All the wildflowers and the farms --- awesome! 

 I know Krissy often talks about how moved she is at how hard the Angels have to work --- and she is so right. As much as I respected Patrick's abilities before - this was a whole new appreciation. 
Can't wait to see this incredible team come September! 

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